The Challenge of a New Brand
PITNEY BOWES executed a company-wide rebrand as part of their digital transition, but suddenly their product designs didn’t fit their new brand. They needed to move quickly to bring their products in line with the brand and better compete with new shiner options entering the market , but their small design team wasn’t going to be able to move quickly enough

So they brought in Big Bang to quickly and effectively realize the brand in the features, benefits, and design of their mail and ship products.  


Quickly strategize, conceive, design, and launch a four SKU line of integrated shipping and mailing solutions that would embody the Simplify Sending brand and stand out against the competition.

“People think of Brand as only visual, butthe experience with a product is sensory. Product is the touch point of the Brand and while not everything can communicate on all levels the more levels the deeper the experience.”


Mark Moneypenny

what we did...

  • Decided to base new products on existing versions with a newly designed look and feel to meet the short timelines.
  • Crafted Experiential Brand Language, which allowed us to incorporate the new brand into the look and feel of the products.
  • Maintained focus on the XBL and brand promise over time and across a range of teams by setting a clear Northstar for everyone to follow.
  • Partnered with a digital agency to work on the interface, so we could seamlessly integrate the physical and digital elements and reuse existing tech while still adding digital services.
  • Designed a line of truly integrated shipping and mailing solutions that could perform every step of the process from weighing and measuring to confirming an address and determining cost, so they were a true all-in-one.
  • Validated design decisions by creating and running our own quantitative user study.
  • Managed a complicated project transitioning through inception, engineering, manufacturing and launch, working across internal teams and external vendors.

Successfully launched all four
projects, allowing Pitney
Bowes to maintain subscription rates, head off competition, and continue its historical market dominance.

The SendPro C-Series increased sales engagement
and helped improve their penetration into small and medium businesses growing and reinforcing Pitney Bowes reputation as an innovative leader and trusted partner.

The XBL we developed was incorporated into their Design System for Small Business and still guides new product design.

what we learned...

The importance of completing the XBL process in the beginning to craft the Experiental Brand Language that everyone will be able to use throughout the project.

Remember that the process is a journey, and things will change, but we always need to make sure we give the consumer a way to connect with and relate to the product.

Erick Rios

“It was especially satisfying to oversee the transformation process from a completely electro-mechanical machine to a truly modern device driven by user-centered design.“


product design of the Pitney Bowes Sendpro C-Series

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