Pitney Bowes

The Challenge of a New Brand

Pitney Bowes had just rebranded, and their design team was working to apply the new “Simplify Sending” brand across the organization. But now, they faced a new challenge. They had to incorporate the new brand into the design of their classic mailing machines while also updating their digital capabilities. Pitney Bowes needed a design team to focus on their physical products, answer those challenges, and keep them ahead of the competition.

Big Bang joined the team to translate the new “Simplify Sending” brand into a physical design language for Pitney Bowes’s mail and ship machines and help bring the product line into the digital age.


Strategize, conceive, design, and launch a four SKU line of integrated shipping and mailing solutions that embody the “Simply Sending” brand and stand out against the competition.

product design of the Pitney Bowes Sendpro C-Series

product design of the Pitney Bowes Sendpro C-Series

What We Did…

Decided to base new products on existing versions with a newly designed look and feel to meet the short timelines.


Crafted Experiential Brand Language, which allowed us to incorporate the new brand into the look and feel of the products.


Maintained focus on the XBL and brand promise over time and across a range of teams by setting a clear Northstar for everyone to follow.

Quote by Mark Moneypenny

Quote by Erick Rios

Designed a line of truly integrated shipping and mailing solutions that could perform every step of the process from weighing and measuring to confirming an address and determining cost, so they were a true all-in-one.


Validated design decisions by creating and running our own quantitative user study.


Managed a complicated project transitioning through inception, engineering, manufacturing and launch, working across internal teams and external vendors.

Signs of Success

Successfully launched all four projects, allowing Pitney Bowes to maintain subscription rates, head off competition, and continue its historical market dominance.

The SendPro C-Series increased sales engagement and helped improve their penetration into small and medium businesses growing and reinforcing Pitney Bowes’ reputation as an innovative leader and trusted partner.

The XBL we developed was incorporated into their Design System for Small Business and still guides new product design.

product design detail of Sendpro C-Series

product design detail of Pitney Bowes Sendpro C-Series

product design scale detail of Sendpro C-Series

product design button detail of Pitney Bowes Sendpro C-Series

product design detail of Pitney Bowes Sendpro C-Series

product design detail of workflow for the Sendpro C-Series


Big Bang’s Keys to Success

Our Experiential Brand Language and a focus on customer experience allowed us to fulfill the promise of the brand in the products.

Fresh Perspective
An outside set of experienced eyes helped a large company like Pitney Bowes escape the mindset of always doing things the way they’ve always been done.

Team Connectors
Our veteran team was able to serve as a critical bridge between various teams and departments in multiple locations across the company and around the world.

Product Focus
While those other teams had competing goals and priorities, our only focus was delivering a product that fulfilled the vision.

xbl diagram showing sensory, interactive and engagement attributes


Big Bang and Pitney Bowes Simplify Sending

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